
Showing posts from December, 2019
        Let this new year be the one, Where all of yours dreams come true, So with a joyful heart put a start to this year                                                      anew.
Introduction to mitosis vs. meiosis  Comparing mitosis and meiosis  Change in chromosomes number Mitosis only goes through one round of cell division, which is why it is end with 2 cell that are still diploid . meiosis through two round of cell division , so it ends with 4 cells and thats are haploid . Haploid means the cells only have half of the DNA

cell theory


Biological classification

Introduction to classification Classification characteristics Domains of life  Life can be divided in three domains  -bacteria -Archaea -eukarya Kingdoms There are 6 kingdoms in the domains: Kingdom characteristics Organisms are placed in kingdom based on: -Number of cells  -Cell organization: simple (no nucleus) or complex (with nucleus) -ability to make food Example: multicellular organism Example :unicellular organism 

Introduction to biological classification


Introduction to biodiversity

Introduction to biodiversity          Biodiversity is a variety of life whether as a planet or in a specific ecosystem Component of biodiversity 1 genetic diversity 2 species diversity 3 ecosystem diversity.  Value of biodiversity The value of biodiversity can be subdivided into direct and indirect value as well as  economic and ecologic value Direct economic value includes consumption of food/raw material. Indirect ecologic value includes services like nutrient cycling  Treat of biodiversity The majar treat of biodiversity includes  -Habitat /destruction /fragmentation and deforestation -climate change  -overexploitation -invasive species -pollution  Human activity is the main cause of biodiversity loss